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"Querklang": Exploring Contemporary Music Through (Re)Constructing Graphical Scores

Writer's picture: Amy JiangAmy Jiang

"Querklang" is a 156-page book investigating the relationship between graphics and musical scores.

"Querklang", designed by Caspar de Gelmini, was inspired by a project of Berlin Art University in Germany, which tries to develop a project by the composer Dieter Schnebel for graphical notations in high schools to bring young people in contact with contemporary music. Meanwhile, as a homage to John Cage, the artists used the same methods of random composition for the drawings and prints John Caged used for his music and visual arts.

Improvision and composition. Order and chaos. The graphical scores, constructed and deconstructed over and over again in this book enable people to play or develop the compositions of experimental music without the knowledge of musical scores, opening up endless formation, arrangement, and possibilities.

Have a glimpse of the book, "Querklang":

Original texts in German:

Die in diesem Buch abgebildeten Partitur-Bilder sind allesamt dem Werk „Objects and Cells 6“ für Marimba entnommen. Es handelt sich gewissermaßen um optische „Remixe“ der ursprünglichen Partitur. Ursprünglich entstanden, um die Möglichkeiten des Programms „Indesign“ kennenzulernen, können Sie heute in dreifacher Weise Verwendung finden:

1. Graphische Partituren, nach denen musiziert werden kann. Die Konzepte der Umsetzung werden von den Musikern entwickelt;

2. Reine Kunstobjekte, gedruckte Bilder, die in einer Kunstgalerie ausgestellt werden können;

3. Reine Betrachtung als Kunstbuch.

Die Hauptinspiration war ein Werk des Komponisten Dieter Schnebel, aber auch John Cage die „visuelle Musik“ schaffen wollten.

Das Buch selbst entstand per Zufall, ohne Konzept, Idee oder Ziel. Vielleicht liegt hierbei der Reiz, eine neue Art des Musizierens, bzw. der Verflechtung von Kunst und Musik.


About Caspar de Gelmini

Caspar de Gelmini studied after preparatory training in composition in Berlin at the University for Music and Performing Arts Rostock where he obtained his baccalaureate exam. He then studied until his Diploma Examination at the University for Music Franz Liszt in Weimar. He took postgraduate Studies at the University Mozarteum Salzburg as well as a Master's degree from the State University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart. During his studies, he was Exchange Student at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, at the University for Music in Basel, at the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris, and at the IRCAM. His teachers majoring in composition were: Helmut Zapf, Peter Manfred Wolf, Michael Obst, Annette Schlünz, Pär Lindgren, Karin Rehnqvist, Georg Friedrich Haas, Michel Roth (music theory), Tristan Murail, Marco Stroppa, Frédéric Durieux, and Hèctor Parra. He is also studying Fine Arts with a focus on Video with Prof. Michael Brynntrup at the University of the Arts Braunschweig. He received several awards in the field of Video Arts.

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